Braked coupling for many makes of trailer

The easiest way to identify Braked Coupling parts is by first finding out what make & model of coupling you have. It could be a Knott Avonride hitch, a Bradley hitch, an Indespension hitch or others such as Peak or ALKO.

Once you have worked out what make and model you have the best thing to do is to try and find a diagram of the relevant coupling. Such as the one below which is for a Bradley HU12 coupling.


Bradley Coupling Parts Diagram


From diagrams such as this you can work out what parts you need such as a damper, bellows, pad & handle and much more. You can find many different parts for many makes of coupling in our couplings and spares parts of our shop.

Graham Edwards trailers are fitted with Bradley couplings as standard, however we do offer Knott couplings as a optional variation. So it is always best to check what you have fitted so you can identify braked coupling parts specific to your trailer.

We stock many different parts for couplings and have the knowledge and contacts to acquire anything else you may need. Give us a call today with all your parts needs. Or visit our contact us page found here.